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How to Manage High-Performing Teams

1 min
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The What|How|Who framework - in collaboration with Bhavini Soneji and Plato :

1/ Strategic Impact (What)

This pillar measures the team's impact on business and product goals. What strategic value is the team delivering?

Why is it important:

• Aligns the team's work with top-line company objectives
• Motivates employees by connecting their efforts to business outcomes
• Helps optimize resources and team focus
How to measure:

↳Track adoption & usage metrics (e.g. retention, engagement, growth funnel)
↳Measure outcome metrics (e.g. subscriptions, revenue, customer satisfaction)
↳Do qualitative check-ins like customer shadowing to understand user needs
↳Conduct quantitative reviews of product metrics and experiment results

2/ Execution & Operational Excellence (How)

This pillar assesses delivery speed, quality, and operational health. How is the team executing and delivering?

Why is it important:

• Ensures the team is delivering efficiently against the plan
• Proactively identifies risks and issues before they become major problems
• Optimizes productivity and system stability

How to measure:

↳Track execution metrics (e.g. velocity, sprint planning accuracy, DORA metrics)
↳Measure operational metrics (e.g. system stability, incident volume & resolution time)
↳Conduct sprint planning and retrospectives to identify improvements
↳Hold "show & tell" demos to share knowledge and celebrate progress

3/ Team Dynamics (Who)

This pillar evaluates the people side - talent, culture, and collaboration. Who is contributing and how is the team operating?

Why is it important:

• Cultivates an environment for the team to succeed and innovate
• Ensures you have the right people in the right roles
• Builds a healthy, high-performing team culture

How to measure:

↳Assess engagement and inclusion through surveys and 1:1s
↳Provide manager and leadership training to develop talent
↳Define organizational design principles to guide hiring and structure
↳Conduct high-performing org reviews to optimize talent composition (current and future)

PS: Start Simple. Pick 3-5 areas to focus on. Stay positive, lead with curiosity, and celebrate wins along the way.
