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Favikon's Recognition

1 min
favikon  ✺  favikonsrecognition  ✺  toplinkedincreator  ✺  uae  ✺  leadership  ✺  management  ✺  toparabcreator  ✺  linkedincreator

Grateful 🙏

I am humbled and honored to have been featured in Favikon's latest Top Arab Creators rankings:

#8 LinkedIn Creator in the UAE #3 Management and Leadership Creator across all Social Medias in the UAE #1 Management and Leadership Creator on LinkedIn across the Arab World

I want to take this opportunity to thank this incredible community for your unwavering support, deep sense of connection, and collective learning and growth spirit.

Excited for what's to come!

Thank you Jeremy Boissinot and the team at Favikon for the recognition. Full rankings post:

PS: One of my goals this year is to celebrate my journey with all of you. Sharing this recognition is part of holding myself accountable to that goal!