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6 Biggest Career Growth Mistakes

1 min
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My 6 biggest mistakes in managing my career early on were:

1. Expecting my manager, HR and/or the company to develop my career
2. Thinking that working hard alone will help me grow
3. Comparing myself to others
4. Keeping my work to myself
5. Not building a network
6. Focusing only on my direct scope

Anyone reading this who has the same struggles, here’s my advice:

1. You own your career, take the initiative. Your manager, HR and the broader organization is there to support you.
2. Working hard alone is not enough to grow. Seek to understand which skills and competencies are required for the next level and work towards these.
3. Be inspired by others, but obsess about what you can and will do about your own career. Everyone's journey is different.
4. Be intentional about sharing your work in progress for others to critique. This is the best way to improve.
5. Build a network of mentors to seek guidance and support from
6. Lean on curiosity. Ask questions and seek to expand your understanding beyond your function.

What else do you struggle with in your career journey?

I will advise as best as I can from my experience.
