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Looking for a promotion? Start here:

leadership  ✺  career  ✺  careergrowth  ✺  careerdevelopment  ✺  communication

(#3 is often missed - yet the most important)

1. Educate yourself on the process to get promoted within your organization 2. Learn from recent promotees and their managers 3. Talk to your manager about your ambition 4. Make your work strategically visible 5. Invest in your communication skills 6. Demonstrate next level leadership 7. Develop a career growth plan 8. Seek a mentor(s) 9. Maintain artifacts of what you have delivered 10. Build an internal network that will support you 11. Earn trust through delivering on commitments 12. Align what you are working on to organizational priorities 13. Identify and take ownership of addressing systemic issues 14. Actively seek feedback from others - particularly on work in progress 15. Broaden your understanding of the business beyond your specific
