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How to End a Mentorship Relationship

1 min
mentorship  ✺  relationship  ✺  management  ✺  leadership

7-Step Process to End Your Mentorship Relationship on a High Note:

7. Recognize it: Acknowledge the end of the mentorship journey once you've reached the set timeline or goals or if your situation has changed.

6. Communicate it: Explicitly notify your mentor about the closure.

5. Reflect on Growth: Consider your accomplishments, skills developed, and personal and professional progression.

4. Share Your Success: Discuss your achievements and insights with your mentor for satisfying mutual closure.

3. Express Gratitude: Show appreciation to your mentor for their time, wisdom, and unwavering support.

2. Look Ahead: Talk about potential future interactions, keeping open lines of communication.

1. Celebrate the Journey: Commemorate the mentorship's conclusion with some fun!

P.S. While ending the relationship may feel intimidating, both parties are better for it. This will enable your mentor to take on other mentees or invest their time elsewhere.

P.P.S.: Continuing a mentorship relationship that is no longer adding the necessary value is a waste of both parties' time.
