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From Omar's Desk: We Need To Talk

2 min
From Omar's Desk  ✺  fromomarsdesk  ✺  leadership  ✺  career  ✺  management  ✺  communication

Please STOP avoiding tough conversations!

Did you know that 70% of employees avoid having difficult conversations at work? Poor communication not only hinders productivity but also creates misunderstandings, leading to unnecessary conflicts and strained relationships. It's time to face this problem head-on and improve our communication skills.

Here are 7 tips to help you master crucial conversations:

1. Set the stage: Choose the right time and place for a tough conversation to ensure both parties feel comfortable and open to discussion. (Ex: Schedule a private meeting rather than discussing sensitive issues in a crowded office space.)

2. Stay calm and empathetic: Approach the conversation with a calm demeanor and empathize with the other person's perspective to create a safe space for open dialogue. (Ex: "I understand that this project has been challenging for you.")

3. Listen actively, validate, and stand firm: Give the other person your full attention, validate their feelings and concerns, while maintaining a firm stance on the issue at hand. (Ex: "I hear your concerns about the deadline and understand it's causing stress, but we need to find a way to meet it.")

4. Find common ground: Identify shared goals or values to help bridge gaps and facilitate a productive conversation. (Ex: "We both want to deliver a successful project, so let's work together to find a solution.")

5. Be open to feedback: Show a willingness to accept feedback and consider alternative perspectives during the conversation. (Ex: "I appreciate your insights, and I'm open to exploring different ways to approach this issue.")

6. Establish clear expectations: Clearly communicate what needs to change and establish a plan for moving forward. (Ex: "We need to ensure that all team members are meeting their deadlines and communicating any challenges promptly.")

7. Follow up: After the conversation, ensure that any agreed-upon action steps are taken and check in with the other person to maintain open communication. (Ex: Schedule a follow-up meeting to discuss progress and address any further concerns.)

These tips are inspired by the book "We Need to Talk: How to Have Conversations That Matter" by Celeste Headlee (she/her), recommended by Omar's Desk - for mastering the art of crucial conversations.

Happy reading! 📚

🔁 Repost if this is useful.
