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From Omar's Desk: The Premonition

1 min
thepremonition  ✺  pandemicstory  ✺  non-fiction  ✺  pandemichistory  ✺  leadership

From Omar's desk - a recommended read for this week is: The Premonition - A Pandemic Story by Michael Lewis.

Why? Because this book is written by Michael Lewis - arguably the best non-fiction storyteller of our time. If you are not convinced by the first reason, another reason is: this book demonstrates how leadership in the time of crisis emerges, not necessarily from those who are in leadership positions, but from groups deep within "who understood the need to think differently, to learn from history, to question everything; and to do all of this fast". These unsung heroes stepped up to lead, remaining determined and resilient to act and save our societies despite the tremendous headwinds faced operating within a complex decentralized environment.

👉 For a complete listing of books by Michael Lewis, go here:

👉 For books from Michael Lewis made into movies, go here: