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From Omar's Desk: Build

1 min
reading  ✺  innovation  ✺  productinnovation  ✺  mentorship  ✺  leadership  ✺  management

From Omar’s desk - a recommended read for this week is: Build - An Unorthodox Guide to Making Things Worth Making - by Tony Fadell.

Why? Tony is one of the greatest product innovators of the past century. He has built devices such as the iPod, iPhone, and Nest Thermostat, that have shaped modern society. In this book, he shares learnings from his illustrious career across a wide range of topics, such as: leadership, innovation, management, startups, failures, mentorship - to name a few. As best summarized on the back-cover, this is: "An advice encyclopedia. A mentor in a box." An enjoyable and must read. Run and get a copy!

👉 For an interview with the author about his book, click here:

👉 For the author's website, Build Collective, click here:

#reading #innovation #productinnovation #mentorship #leadership #management
