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From Omar's Desk: Doesn't Hurt to Ask

1 min
From Omar's Desk  ✺  fromomarsdesk  ✺  questions  ✺  questiontoconnect  ✺  conversations  ✺  communicate

Your toughest conversations are one question away from success.

6 powerful questions I use daily to connect & influence (psychology-backed):

1/ The Echo Question

When someone makes a statement, simply repeat their last few words as a question. It encourages them to elaborate and shows you're truly listening. Watch how people naturally open up when you use their own words.

2/ The Contrast Question

Instead of arguing, ask "What would need to change for you to see this differently?" This shifts the conversation from conflict to collaboration, revealing the real concerns behind resistance.

3/ The Ownership Question

Transform "Why don't you agree?" into "What's your perspective on this?" People defend their positions but embrace sharing their viewpoints. The subtle shift in language makes all the difference.

4/ The Bridge Question

When conversations get stuck, ask "How might we solve this together?" This creates partnership instead of opposition. You'd be amazed how often simple questions can bridge seemingly impossible gaps.

5/ The Reflection Question

"What makes you say that?" This gentle probe helps people examine their own thinking. Often, they'll discover flaws in their reasoning without you pointing them out.

6/ The Action Question

Close with "What's the next step we should take?" This moves conversations from theory to practice, from discussion to decision. It's the bridge between talk and action.

These insights are from "Doesn't Hurt to Ask: Using the Power of Questions to Communicate, Connect, and Persuade" by Trey Gowdy and brought to you by Omar's Desk.

What's your go-to question to connect with others?

PS: The quality of your questions determines the quality of your conversations.
