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Finding a Mentor: 5 Simple Steps

1 min
mentorship  ✺  mentoring  ✺  leadership  ✺  management  ✺  career

Most people seem to know the importance of having a mentor.

But 9 of 10 people fail to tell you how to find one.

So, here’s how in 5 simple steps:

1. Clarify Your Purpose

Define your mentorship goals.

Take time to reflect on your professional aspirations. Are you looking for broad career guidance or a specialized skill enhancement? This clarity will guide your mentor search.

Example: If your aim is to improve "communicating for influence," seek a mentor who has a track record of influencing the organization to pursue new opportunities.

2. Scout Within Workspace

Be observant in your workplace for potential mentors.

Pay attention to and be curious about coworkers - their background, interests, what they deliver and how. Identify those who exhibit qualities you admire or have experiences you desire.

Example: If you observe a colleague handle a conflict effectively during a meeting, reach out to them afterwards to learn from them the skill of conflict management.

3. Leverage Manager and Peer Recommendations

Utilize your manager's and colleagues' collective experience.

Your manager and colleagues, particularly those who have been in the organization for a longer period of time, have vast experiences and networks within the organization. Share your aspirations and seek mentorship recommendations.

Example: If your peer software engineer has been in the organization for 5 years, ask them who they would recommend as a mentor to elevate your software design skills.

4. Utilize Organizational Resources

Leverage existing mentorship mechanisms within your organization.

Check-in with your manager or HR team, if your company already has formal or informal mentorship programs that you can utilize.

Example: Join a mentorship circle program, that pairs aspiring managers with a senior executive one a month for a group mentoring session.

5. Go External

Don't be limited by the boundaries of the organization.

If you are unable to find a suitable mentor from within the company or feel more comfortable with an external mentor, utilize external platforms to find one.

Example: Sign-up for MentorCruise and pair up with a mentor to support either your career growth in general or for a specific skill (such as product management).

If you're serious about elevating your career, a mentor is your ultimate career advantage.

DM me "Mentor" if you have any questions about mentorship.
