Mentorship isn't about you.
A true story.
In March of 2007, I was asked to mentor my first employee.
I was terrified.
Like, completely unsure of myself.
I sat down with them in our first meeting and started rattling off advice about technical skills and career growth.
When I glanced over at them, I could tell they were disconnected.
Like it was yesterday, I can still remember them politely nodding along.
The next sentence is the one that changed everything:
"Actually...what's the biggest challenge you're facing right now?"
They opened up about a project they were struggling with. Something real.
I just sat there. Listening. Asking questions.
Each answer brought them closer to their own solution.
Supporting with my experience when needed.
But mostly creating space to think.
That's what effective mentorship looks like.
Being able to stop talking and start listening.
Forget focusing on yourself
Forget telling others what to do
Forget trying to solve everything
Because their growth is the story, not your expertise.
Be the person who brings clarity.
Be the person who asks better questions.
Be the person who listens first and coaches second.
Be the person who makes others feel capable, not small.
I'm not embarrassed. We all start somewhere.
Isn't it powerful when someone sees more in you than you see in yourself?
Be that person for someone today.